Sunday, September 26, 2010

OP: Battle for Pilzen 2010

NATO Forces tried to make a breakthrough to Pilzen in Czech Republic. Our glorious army was sent to assist our brothers in arms. Together we were able to annihilate the enemy spearheads and push back their invasion force.

The first enemy tank our brave troops took out.

Friday, September 24, 2010

RMW VSS Vintorez AEG?

Moscow Center reported that our Intelligence got information regarding the soon release of a VSS Vintorez by RMW for less than 600EUR. Time will tell if this intelligence information can be confirmed.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

War Correspondents

Public wants to see first hand reports from our frontlines. People want to see and read about our advancements and our victories over the capitalistic armies that led Europe into it's darkest age. We, the glorious troops of Soviet Union, who liberate the people of Europe, our Brothers and Sisters, we took war correspondents with us in our lines to show you, our fellow comrades, how we crush the capitalistic pigs. Our brave reporters and photographers are equipped with the finest Soviet technology, such as the FED-3 which you see below.

FED-3 Camera

Monday, May 3, 2010

OP: Ivan Crossing

Our brave forces again stood against the floods of capitalistic hordes trying to beat and enslave us! Our brothers fought bravely and once again we were able to proof that nobody and nothing can stop the overwhelming power of the Iron Legion.

In Rabafüzes/Hungary we fought back an attack led by american and british forces to enslave a little innocent town called Sjmonda.

In continous battle, we pushed them back until their last lines of defense and by the end of the second day we finally destroyed their will to carry on.

We prevailed again, may the day come soon that we won the last battle and live a life in peace once and for all.
Until then, The Legion will chew as much capitalistic pigs as Moscow throws them.

Bravely our men rush into combat.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rolling Thunder

The Iron Legion participated in the OP Chechnya in Milovice (CZ). As usual our glorious troops overwhelmed the enemy by superior firepower and leadership. Some foreign legionaires fought by our side aswell against the counter-revolutionary forces. Some of the rebels fought brave, but hopelessly underequipped and untrained. As we advanced on our BMPs, many of them fled in pure panic.

Russian BMP convoi heading towards enemy positions

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Night Operations capability

Moscow assigned us new operational duties, including night operations against the enemy. For this reason our troops have been equipped with solid soviet technics, the NSPU.
Now we finally can engage the minor equipped enemy troops day and night.
For the Motherland!


Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Iron Legion for propaganda...

Lately Moscow's propaganda officers decided to start a new campaign to raise the number of volunteers that join our brave forces. For this, they chose the best known and respected unit in all of Mother russia, The Iron Legion!

The Iron Legion - idol of your socialist youth!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

14 gw. GSD in advance

Again spearheads formed of troops of our division have led the offensive against NATO troops in Central Europe. Our brave soldiers were chasing the retreating enemy formations and hunting them down until they broke up and spread back behind their lines. A famous victory for our brave mountaineers, Moscow is proud of you Tovarishi!

14 gw. GSD in advance in Perchau, Styria (Austria)

marching break

Helmets for our troops

Again Moscow rewarded our troops for being the spearhead of their forces with being the first to be issued with the new 6Б7-0 "Borat" helmets.
These helmets improve our ballistic protection significantly and show Soviet superiority over the western dogs. We feel honered and are aware of our responsibility for firld testing the new equipment to report eventual neccessary modification to Moscow center.

Fabrication of our new 6Б7-0 helmet

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Intelligence Division is working again

Our Intelligence Service is again in operational condition. Experiences have shown that for a successful campaign, information is a neccessary good. For this reason our before cancelled KGB office has been reopened and restocked and is operated under the name "". With unseen precision and effort all needed information is gathered and our troops are provided with every possible information they could need.
If you are a new trooper and not familiar with the power of our superior military machinery, have a look at our inteligence service's headquarters

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Another camo test for our troops

Again we have been selected to be the first to field a new type of camouflage uniform. Europe's coniferous forests seem the ideal surrounding to test the abilites of this newly developed camouflage pattern. We are proud that we can serve our Motherland as well as our fellow comrades in the field with more than just our superior fighting power.

Izlom camouflage suit

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Protection for our troops arrived...

Our superior armament machinery produced these pieces of personal protective equipment. With every supply convoy our strength rises whilst our enemie's weakness grows. In the name of socialism, we will beat those capitalistic dogs back to their homes and then we will destroy their inferior and immoral system... well, enough of what you all know, enjoy this excellent craftmanship with us, see by yourself.

6B11-3 bodyarmor