Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New camouflage pattern to be tested ....

Sumrak in Palma Leto pattern

Headquarters chose us to field-test the new camouflage pattern. We are honoured that we are granted such a great degree of confidence and we will undertake a series of tests of both, the pattern and cut. Also Headquarters sent us goods to restock our devastating warmachine`s depots.

AKSU dropcase, Flora canteen pouches and helmet cover and plastic canteen

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Headquarters orders you to have a happy new year and successful campaigns in 2010! Enjoy NOW.

Friday, December 11, 2009

New supplies arrived at the frontline

Headquarters fielded us the 6sh92-3 Vest to test if it fits our requirements. Overall this gear is quite the same as the one we are currently equipped with, though it might be very helpful for night time operations, due to it's colour scheme and the way the pockets are closed, since they can be opened very silently compared to the velcro closed vests we are issued right now.

First Aid Dressing, 2Pcs, Plum Handguard, 6sh92-3 Vest

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Legion's arsenal grows....

Since our advances go on, the High Command recognized our value for their offensive plans and equipped our arsenal with more powerful equipment. The enemy shivers when our troops bring up their AKMS'. Also equipped with PBS-1 Silencers our special operation capabilities have been raised, like Comrade Ramius said: "They will tremble at the sound of our silence!"

Kalash (with PBS-1) and VFC AKMS